Steeriously  0.1
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
\NsteerAll steering functions are templated for easy application to objects inheriting from Agent. Because of this, it is easy to add into any type of design - be it a class hierarchy or a more advanced data structure or system (such as an entity component system). All functions return a steer::steer::Vector2 that can be used to calculate a force with which the entity should be moved given each type of behavior. Combine each calculated force with a weight (any scalar value - but keep it sane or behavior could become strange). Simply multiply each weight, or weights, by the force generated by each behavior's return value to fine-tune it. In addition to the steering functions themselves, this file contains various utilities used by them to perform their work
 oCAgentThe invisible, but highly necessary, automaton which drives your *game entity/graphical representation's motion. Getters and Setters are provided, *however it will always be easier to just use the data - since it is all public
 oCBehaviorParametersData table with default values used to define variables for guiding steerable objects (agents)
 oCArriveComponentAn example implementation of the arrive steering behavior. The agent will seek the target with a dampened arrival
 oCEvadeComponentAn example implementation of the evasion steering behavior. The agent will flee from the target while predicting it's trajectory
 oCFleeComponentAn example implementation of the flee steering behavior. The agent will flee from the target when it enters its threat range
 oCFlockingComponentAn example implementation of the flocking steering behavior. The agent will interact with other members of the flock utilizing alignment, separation, cohesion, and wandering behaviors
 oCHideComponentAn example implementation of the hiding steering behavior
 oCInterposeComponentAn example implementation of the interpose steering behavior
 oCOffsetPursuitComponentAn example implementation of the offset pursuit steering behavior
 oCPathFollowingComponentAn example implementation of the path following steering behavior
 oCPursuitComponentAn example implementation of the pursuit steering behavior
 oCSeekComponentAn example implementation of the seek steering behavior
 oCSuperComponentAn example implementation of the an agent with every steering behavior implemented
 oCWanderComponentAn example implementation of the wander steering behavior
 oCMatrix2DA class for 2D matrices and related operations
 oCPathClass providing the necessary structure for path following behavior
 oCSphereObstacleClass to aid in obstacle avoidance routine
 oCVector2A 2D vector struct used in many steering calculations
 oCVectorMathStateless VectorMath class utilizing static methods to manipulate vectors.
Copies of Vector2 are cheap, therefore all functions are "pass by value" at this time
 \CWallA class for constructing 2D walls for wall avoidance behaviors