steer::Agent | The invisible, but highly necessary, automaton which drives your *game entity/graphical representation's motion. Getters and Setters are provided, *however it will always be easier to just use the data - since it is all public |
steer::ArriveComponent | An example implementation of the arrive steering behavior. The agent will seek the target with a dampened arrival |
steer::EvadeComponent | An example implementation of the evasion steering behavior. The agent will flee from the target while predicting it's trajectory |
steer::FleeComponent | An example implementation of the flee steering behavior. The agent will flee from the target when it enters its threat range |
steer::FlockingComponent | An example implementation of the flocking steering behavior. The agent will interact with other members of the flock utilizing alignment, separation, cohesion, and wandering behaviors |
steer::HideComponent | An example implementation of the hiding steering behavior |
steer::InterposeComponent | An example implementation of the interpose steering behavior |
steer::OffsetPursuitComponent | An example implementation of the offset pursuit steering behavior |
steer::PathFollowingComponent | An example implementation of the path following steering behavior |
steer::PursuitComponent | An example implementation of the pursuit steering behavior |
steer::SeekComponent | An example implementation of the seek steering behavior |
steer::SuperComponent | An example implementation of the an agent with every steering behavior implemented |
steer::WanderComponent | An example implementation of the wander steering behavior |
steer::BehaviorParameters | Data table with default values used to define variables for guiding steerable objects (agents) |
steer::Matrix2D | A class for 2D matrices and related operations |
steer::Path | Class providing the necessary structure for path following behavior |
steer::SphereObstacle | Class to aid in obstacle avoidance routine |
steer::Vector2 | A 2D vector struct used in many steering calculations |
steer::VectorMath | Stateless VectorMath class utilizing static methods to manipulate vectors. Copies of Vector2 are cheap, therefore all functions are "pass by value" at this time |
steer::Wall | A class for constructing 2D walls for wall avoidance behaviors |