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steer::FlockingComponent Class Reference

An example implementation of the flocking steering behavior. The agent will interact with other members of the flock utilizing alignment, separation, cohesion, and wandering behaviors. More...

#include <FlockingComponent.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for steer::FlockingComponent:

Public Member Functions

 FlockingComponent (steer::BehaviorParameters *params)
void setParams (steer::BehaviorParameters *params)
steer::BehaviorParametersgetParams ()
void Update (float dt)
float getRotation ()
 Get the value of the seek component rotation.
void setNeighbors (std::vector< FlockingComponent * > *n)
std::vector< FlockingComponent * > * getNeighbors ()
void setObstacles (std::vector< SphereObstacle * > *o)
std::vector< SphereObstacle * > * getObstacles ()
void setWalls (std::vector< Wall * > *w)
std::vector< Wall * > * getWalls ()
virtual bool on (steer::behaviorType behavior) override
 This pure virtual function tests if a specific bit of m_iFlags is set using bitwise operations. Must be overridden in derived classes.
void alignmentOn ()
void separationOn ()
void cohesionOn ()
void seekOn ()
void wanderOn ()
void wallAvoidanceOn ()
void obstacleAvoidanceOn ()
void cohesionOff ()
void separationOff ()
void alignmentOff ()
void seekOff ()
void wanderOff ()
void wallAvoidanceOff ()
void obstacleAvoidanceOff ()
bool isCohesionOn ()
bool isSeparationOn ()
bool isAlignmentOn ()
bool isSeekOn ()
bool isWanderOn ()
bool isWallAvoidanceOn ()
bool isObstacleAvoidanceOn ()
bool isFlockingOn ()
void flockingOn ()
void flockingOff ()
bool targetAcquired ()
virtual Vector2 Calculate () override
 A pure virtual method for calculating the steering vector.
virtual Vector2 calculateWeightedSum () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from steer::Agent
 Agent ()
 Default constructor.
 Agent (steer::Vector2 position, float radius, steer::Vector2 velocity, steer::Vector2 heading, steer::Vector2 side, float mass, float maxSpeed, float maxForce, float maxTurnRate)
 Construct agent from values.
 Agent (steer::BehaviorParameters *params)
 Construct agent from struct of parameters.
virtual ~Agent ()
steer::Vector2 getPosition () const
 Gets the position of the entity.
void setPosition (steer::Vector2 newPosition)
 Sets the position of the entity.
float getBoundingRadius () const
 Gets the bounding radius of the entity.
void setBoundingRadius (float radius)
 Sets the bounding radius of the entity.
bool taggedInGroup () const
 Gets the tagged status (tagged in a group) of the entity.
void Tag ()
 Tags the entity for an action.
void unTag ()
 Untags the entity.
steer::Vector2 getScale () const
 Returns the entity's scale.
void setScale (steer::Vector2 val)
 Sets the entity's scale from an steer::Vector2.
void setScale (float val)
 Sets the entity's scale from a float.
steer::Vector2 getVelocity () const
 Gets the velocity of the agent.
float getMass () const
 Gets the mass of the agent. Mass is set on construction of the agent only.
steer::Vector2 getSide () const
 Gets the side vector (vector perpendicular to the direction the agent is heading) of the agent.
Side is set on construction of the agent only.
void setSide (const steer::Vector2 side)
 Sets the side vector (vector perpendicular to the direction the agent is heading) of the agent.
Side is set on construction of the agent only.
float getMaxSpeed () const
 Gets the max speed of the agent.
void setMaxSpeed (float newSpeed)
 Sets the velocity of the agent.
float getMaxForce () const
 Gets the max force of the agent.
void setMaxForce (float maxForce)
 Sets the max force of the agent.
steer::Vector2 getForce () const
 Convenience method, gets the current steering force for the owner agent. Force is public data used for calculating steering force, therefore there is no setter.
bool speedMaxedOut () const
 Determines if the speed of the agent is maxed out or not.
float getSpeed () const
 Gets the speed of the agent.
float getSpeedSquared () const
 Gets the speed squared of the agent.
steer::Vector2 getHeading () const
 Gets the heading of the agent.
void setHeading (steer::Vector2 newHeading)
 Sets the heading of the agent.
bool rotateHeadingToFacePosition (steer::Vector2 target)
 Returns true when the heading is rotated to the target position, returns false otherwise.
float getMaxTurnRate () const
 Gets the max turn rate of the agent.
void setMaxTurnRate (float maxTurnRate)
 Sets the max turn rate of the agent.
float getForwardComponent ()
 Calculates the component of the steering force that is parallel with the vehicle heading.
float getSideComponent ()
 Calculates the component of the steering force that is perpendicular with the vehicle heading.
void setTarget (const steer::Vector2 target)
 Sets the current target for the owner agent.
steer::Vector2 getTarget () const
 Gets the current target for the owner agent.
void setThreatRange (const float range)
 Set the value of the range the object of interest must be in to trigger evasive action.
float getThreatRange () const
 Get the value of the range the object of interest must be in to trigger evasive action.
void setDecelerationTweaker (const float deceleration)
 Set the value for tweaking deceleration for the arrive component.
float getDecelerationTweaker () const
 Get the value for tweaking deceleration for the arrive component.
void setWanderTarget (const steer::Vector2 target)
 Set the wander target.
steer::Vector2 getWanderTarget () const
 Get the wander target.
void setWanderJitter (const float jitter)
 Set the wander jitter.
float getWanderJitter () const
 Get the wander jitter.
void setWanderRadius (const float radius)
 Set the radius that the agent will wander toward.
float getWanderRadius () const
 Get the radius the agent is wandering toward.
void setWanderDistance (const float distance)
 Set the distance the agent will wander.
float getWanderDistance () const
 Get the distance the agent will wander.
void setDistanceBuffer (const float buffer)
 Set the value for the buffer which dictates the minimum distance from a given area (for example, a hiding spot behind an obstacle).
float getDistanceBuffer () const
 Get the value for the distance buffer (minimum distance between self and a given area).
void setOffset (const steer::Vector2 offset)
 Sets the current steering offset for the owner agent - used for tweaking steering force.
steer::Vector2 getOffset () const
 Gets the current steering offset for the owner agent -.
void createFeelers ()
 A method for creating the feelers used for obstacle and wall avoidance;.
float boxLength () const
 Returns the value of box length used for obstacle and wall avoidance;.
void setBoxLength (const float length)
 Returns the value of box length used for obstacle and wall avoidance;.
const std::vector
< steer::Vector2 > & 
getFeelers () const
 Returns a reference to the feelers used for obstacle and wall avoidance;.
virtual void setSummingMethod (Uint32 sumMethod)
 A virtual method used for setting the summing method for steering forces.
virtual bool accumulateForce (steer::Vector2 &startingForce, steer::Vector2 forceToAdd)
 A virtual method used to accumulate forces from a combination of behaviors. Does nothing, override and implement in derived classes.
virtual steer::Vector2 calculatePrioritized ()
float getElapsedTime ()
 Get the time elapsed since the last frame.
float setElapsedTime (float e)
 Set the time elapsed since the last frame.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from steer::Agent
steer::Vector2 m_agentPosition
 The Entity's internal position value.
steer::Vector2 m_scale
 The Entity's internal scale value.
bool m_tag
float m_boundingRadius
 Generic flag to indicate that the entity is flagged for some process.
steer::Vector2 m_steeringForce
 For calculating the steering force internally from all combined behaviors.
float m_waypointSeekDistanceSquared
 the distance (squared) a vehicle has to be from a path waypoint before it starts seeking to the next waypoint
std::vector< steer::Vector2m_feelers
 a vertex buffer to contain the feelers for wall avoidance
steer::Vector2 m_velocity
 Storage for the agent's velocity.
steer::Vector2 m_heading
 Storage for the agent's normalized vector pointing in the direction it is headed.
steer::Vector2 m_side
 A vector perpendicular to the direction the agent is heading.
float m_mass
 Mass of the agent.
float m_timeElapsed
 The time elapsed since the last frame - useful for some steering behavior calcuations.
steer::Vector2 m_offset
 any offset used for formations or offset pursuit
float m_viewDistance
 how far the agent can 'see'
Uint32 m_deceleration
 Deceleration type (slow, normal, fast) - SEE DECLERATION ENUM in BEHAVIORHELPERS.HPP.
float m_boxLength
 length of the 'detection box' utilized in obstacle avoidance
float m_wallDetectionFeelerLength
 the length of the 'feeler/s' used in wall detection
float m_maxSpeed
 The maximum speed at which the agent can travel.
float m_maxForce
 The maximum force the agent can use to propel itself.
float m_maxTurnRate
 The maximum rate at which the agent can rotate.
steer::Vector2 m_target
 For setting the agent's target.
float m_threatRange
 Range the object of interest must be in to trigger evasive action.
float m_decelerationTweaker
 Value used to tweak deceleration.
float m_distanceBuffer
 Value used to set the distance buffer.
steer::Vector2 m_wanderTarget
 the current position on the wander circle the agent is attempting to steer towards
float m_wanderJitter
 Amount of displacement along the constraining circle for the wandering agent.
float m_wanderRadius
 The radius of the constraining circle for the wandering agent.
float m_wanderDistance
 Distance the wander circle is projected in front of the agent.

Detailed Description

An example implementation of the flocking steering behavior. The agent will interact with other members of the flock utilizing alignment, separation, cohesion, and wandering behaviors.

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool steer::FlockingComponent::on ( steer::behaviorType  behavior)

This pure virtual function tests if a specific bit of m_iFlags is set using bitwise operations. Must be overridden in derived classes.

behavior- enum behaviorType.

Implements steer::Agent.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: